St Michael's C of E Primary School
Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
A very warm welcome to Year 6. There is so much to look forward to this year, including: an exciting curriculum, reception buddies, trips including Skillszone, school camp, Enterprise and an end of year production. We are really looking forward to sharing your child’s last year of primary school with them and you. The children will need to wear their PE kits into school every Wednesday and Thursday. All homework will be set on on a Monday and returned the following Monday. Spellings will be tested on a Friday. Please encourage your child to find a quiet space to complete their homework booklets, practise their spellings and read. Reading and spelling practise at home will play a fundamental role in supporting your child’s progress in school. Please encourage them to access Spelling Shed regularly and read 4 times a week or more.
At the start of the year, our curriculum will follow a Geography path way of learning. We will be exploring South America and The Amazon. The unit is a series of minds-on and hands-on activities based on an adventure scenario set in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. The children imagine themselves to be a team of EnviroTech engineers returning to the UK from a conference in Brasilia, Brazil. When their plane lands deep in the rainforest, they work in groups to overcome various obstacles in their quest to survive and reach the nearest city as quickly and safely as possible. Later in the year, our curriculum focus turns to peace and conflict, following a History path way. Here the focus will be what it was like to live during World War II and slavery.
We will be reading lots of great books this year including: The Alchemist, The Phone Booth in Mr Hirota’s garden, The Giant and the Sea and Freedom on the Menu. These books will be used to inspire our writing and link to our curriculum focus in History. Daily guided reading lessons will help develop the reading skills ready for secondary school.
In maths, our initial work is based on place value. We will then be revising the 4 rules of maths, fractions and position and direction. The children will be practising their timetables – please encourage your child to play on Times Table Rock Stars at home. There will also be daily arithmetic challenges to enable consolidation of maths skills taught during our lessons. The aim for the end of the year is for children to confidently have the mathematical skills needed for secondary school.
We are looking forward to the year ahead watching the children develop and get ready for their secondary school journey. Thank you for your support with our learning and your continued support in the future.
Miss Harriman