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St Michael's C of E Primary School

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 


Welcome to Year 1! We have a lovely year lined up and it should be extremely fun. We will be exploring many exciting topics and will relish our outside area with laughter and smiles. I am so excited to be part of your child’s education, especially in KS1.

Mr Smith will be teaching all week apart from Thursday morning where Mrs Hillocks will take computing and Swift Sports coaches will take a PE lesson. Our Learning support assistant is Mrs Wadey. Reading books will be changed every Wednesday and reading records will be checked, so please make sure your child is reading 4 times a week at home. Every child will bring home a sharing book and a phonics book. PE kits will be required on a Tuesday and a Thursday. If this changes, Mr Smith will be in touch straight away.

This year we will be focusing on the Geography Unit ‘Winterbourne to Bristol’. We will cover two History units in Term 3 and 4. The first will be Isambard Kingdom and Brunel and the other will be Queen Elizabeth II. We will then move onto our arts topic for the final unit of the year.

We will be reading a range of great books this year including: Beegu, Can I join your club? Greta and the Giants, The Tiger who came for Tea, Stella and the Seagull, The Extraordinary Gardener, The Emerald Forest, and Arlo and the Lion who couldn’t Sleep. We will focus on our 5 grammar points initially: capital letters, fingers spaces, writing on the line, neat handwriting and full stops. Any questions surrounding this, please ask. I am very happy to go through any learning with parents.


In Maths, our initial work will be around place value and addition and subtraction. This will be followed by multiplication and division, shape, space and measure. We will even be looking at Mr Smith’s favourite - fractions! The children will be recapping on learning through daily Solve 6 tasks and 'number sense' activities.

We will be going on educational visits this year which will focus on our geography and history units. Details of this will come out prior to the trip with plenty of time.

Feel free to grab myself before or after school for any reason and if a meeting is more productive then that can be arranged.

We look forward to a busy yet exciting year ahead!

Mr Smith