St Michael's C of E Primary School
The Science curriculum at St Michael’s Primary School promotes learning and discovery through a scheme of work developed by Integra and the Primary Science Teaching Trust. Lessons are focused upon the children ‘being scientists’. The scheme of work is progressive and each year in school builds upon the learning from the previous year. We have developed a curriculum map to highlight each child’s learning journey from reception through to year 6.
Learning in science is driven by fostering a sense of curiosity and confidence to question and investigate the world around us. To support this, children learn about the skills we need to ask questions, plan how to answer them and use what we have discovered to reason about the world. This is achieved through children using our working scientifically skills to plan, do, review and evaluate different areas of physics, biology and chemistry.
We also promote children’s understanding about how science is all around us and shapes our lives through whole school online science days, class trips with a STEM focus and learning about significant scientists who have made a difference to the world.