St Michael's C of E Primary School
Outdoor Play And Learning (OPAL)
Amazing play, every day, for every child
Play contributes to children’s physical health, emotional health, well-being, approach to learning and enjoyment of school. With this in mind, at St Michael’s Primary School, we have begun our journey in implementing the programme OPAL (Outdoor Play And Learning) to improve the quality of play our children engage in.
The St Michael’s OPAL journey is in its early stages. We are developing strong connections in the community and have gratefully received donations that support play from many families. We endeavour to develop our outdoor areas with a child centred approach, where all children can access a variety of exciting and engaging play opportunities. Our aim is to open up new friendships, drive creativity and open the door for imaginative play. We have received positive feedback from children so far and we will continue to listen to their ideas and interests in order to make play a time to look forward to.