St Michael's C of E Primary School
Healthy Weight Programme
South Gloucestershire’s have launched a family weight management service- Healthy Weight Programme
What is the Healthy Weight Programme?
It is a free and fun 12-week group programme for families, children and young people who are above a healthy weight. The programme is delivered by the Active Lifestyle Centres in South Gloucestershire and families will be invited to attend 12 weekly sessions on healthy lifestyles and wellbeing, as well as attend physical activity sessions. Further information can also be found on the One You Website – For families | One You South Gloucestershire (southglos.gov.uk)
What are the aims of the programme?
- To promote the health and wellbeing of families by increasing physical activity, boosting mental health and wellbeing and improving nutritional intake
- To support families achieve or maintain a healthier weight; for children this could be by weight maintenance and growing into a healthier weight, rather than weight loss, depending on the age of the child, stage of growth and degree of obesity
- To support partners in their work with families in promoting a healthier lifestyle
Parents and carers can self-refer via the online referral form – Healthy Weight Programme (Families) Referral From (office.com).
If access to the internet is limited, a referral can also be made by calling the One You team on 01454 865337
Useful resources and information
- Healthier families – Easy ways to eat well and move more
- The eatwell guide – government recommendations on eating healthily and achieving a balanced diet.
- Healthy eating doesn’t need to be dull. Whip up tasty family meals with these easy step-by-step recipes.