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St Michael's C of E Primary School

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

I would like to extend to you the warmest of welcomes to Year 5. I am excited to welcome your children into our classroom, where we they will feel happy, safe, inspired, supported and eager to learn! I look forward to a busy and exciting year ahead together. 

Miss Colley (I) will be teaching all week with Mrs Graty teaching on Tuesday afternoons. We have two excellent adults helping us in the mornings, Mrs Ogram and Mrs Newey, and another super adult to read with some of our children on a Thursday. Homework will be set on a Friday and children will need to wear their PE kits into school every Monday and Friday.

At the start of the year, our curriculum focus follows a Geography pathway of learning. We will be exploring ‘Natural Disasters’ particularly in Asia. We will focus on how the earth is structured and the natural disasters this can cause, specifically volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis. Later in the year, our curriculum focus turns to History. Here the focus will be to explore life during Anglo-Saxon and Viking England. We will follow this period in history by investigating the Ancient Mayan civilisation. Many of our children are inquisitive and eager to continue their learning at home. We welcome any of them to share extra information they have researched with us and their peers.

We will be reading lots of great books this year including: Escape from Pompeii, Beowulf and Rain Player. These books will form the basis of our writing, which we will use to write creatively and factually. We will continue to re-cap spelling and grammar from previous year groups while taking on the challenge to learn and apply new techniques. Reading and spelling practise at home will play a fundamental role in supporting your child’s progress with writing in school. Please encourage them to access Spelling Shed regularly and read 4 times a week or more. If they would like any reading recommendations or have books they would like to recommend, we would love to help or hear.


In Maths, our initial work will be around place value. Later in the year, we will turn our attention to calculation, fractions, shape, measurement and statistics work. The children will be practising their timetables daily using Times Table Rock Stars. Please encourage your child to play on this at home. They are very welcome to challenge us to a battle! 

I am really excited to be able to watch the class grow in confidence and ability throughout the year and look forward to sharing their progress with you! Thank you for all of your support with our learning so far and your continued support in the future.

Miss Colley