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St Michael's C of E Primary School

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

I would like welcome you all to year 3 and the start of a new school year! We have many exciting topics and experiences in store over the coming year and I am excited to get our learning under way. Mr Clee will be teaching the class every day except Thursday morning where Mrs Hillocks will be teaching RE and French and Mr Smith will be teaching PE.

This term our geography focus will be ‘The South West. This will give the children the opportunity to learn about the human and physical features of our local area. As a part of this unit we will learn about rivers and visit also visit the River Frome.

Throughout the year we will continue to develop our writing and we will be reading a fantastic range of books this year including Ice Palace, the Iron Man and Mr Clee’s personal favourite, Krindlekrax.


In Maths, the children will initially work on building their understanding of place value. They will then move on to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Later in the year, the children will learn about fractions, measures and shapes. Throughout the year we will practise out times tables regularly and aim to be confident at our 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of the year.

The children will have PE every Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning and will need to wear their PE kit to school on that day. The children will have the opportunity to change their reading books every morning when they arrive and when they come into the classroom after lunch. Their reading records will also be checked every Monday for their 4 reads

I am very excited to be able to see the class grow in confidence this year and following them on their journey. Thank you for all your support.

Mr Clee